In my mind we are like a gawky, out-of-control teenager with all kinds of energy, strength and raging hormones.
In my mind we are more like 3 year old toddlers
- just getting past the idea that we are the centre of the universe
-slowly learning how the world and our bodies work, (science has a long way to go - one day its coffee is good for but the next day its not )
-just starting to venture over the neighbours fence and learn about things outside our house (planet)
-but the neighbours (non-earthlings) still have a scary "they might hurt us" quality about them
-still talking to invisible friends and making life decisions based on their "answers"
-ones that have lots of goodies refusing to share with ones that dont
-refusing to play nicely with countries we dont like
and lots of other toddler traits - I made a list once but cant find it at the moment so that just off the top of my head
disclaimer - talking majorities not individuals